Indoor Volleyball Clinics and Classes
January 2025 - December 2025
Skills Clinics @ Liberty
Saturdays, 1pm-3pm
Sundays 3pm-5pm
Session #1 (Saturdays) January 4,11,18,25 Feb 1,8,15,22
Session #2 (Sundays) January 5,12,19,26 Feb 2,9,16,23
Session #3 (Saturdays) March 1,8,15,22,29 April 5,12,19,26
Session #4 (Sundays) March 2,9,16,23,30 April 6,13,20,27
Session #5 (Saturdays) May 3,10,17,24,31 June 7,14,21,28
Session #6 (Sundays) May 4,11,18,25 June 1,8,15,22,29
Session #7 (Saturdays) July 5,12,19,26 Aug 2,6, 16,23,30
Session #8 (Sundays) July 6,13,20,27 Aug 3,10,17,24,31
Session #9 (Saturdays) September 6,13,20,27 October 4,11,18,25
Session #10 (Sundays) September 7,14,21,28 October 5,12,19,26
Session #11 (Saturdays) November 1,8,15,22, 29 December 6,13,20
Session #12 (Sundays) November 2,6,16,23,30 December 7,14,21
WHO: Ages 8-14 years old
Court 1: (8 -11 yrs old)
Court 2: (12-14 yrs old)
Boys and Girls Players split up on two courts dependent on age and/or skill level.
SKILL LEVEL: Beginner, Intermediate
WHERE: Liberty Christian School, 7661 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach, CA
COST: $300- $330 per sessions of classes, (First 10 signups get a Beach Elite T Shirt)
DESCRIPTION: Each group of classes focuses on fundamentals of volleyball and feature instruction by our professional and positive coaches. Each class consists of warm up, conditioning, skills training and drills and scrimmages when appropriate. This is also a preparatory clinic for all players that want to play for our Elite teams (depending on availability) or our Developmental teams.
Adult & Youth Beach Volleyball Classes
Sundays 9am-11am, Brookhurst Street @ Huntington State Beach
Pick a session (6 weeks per session)
2024 Dates
Session #1 January 7,14,21,28 February 4,11
Session #2 February 18,25 March 3,10,17,24
Session #3 March 31, April 7,14,21,28 May 5
Session #4 May 12,19,26 June 2,9,16
Session #5 June 23, 30 July 7, 14,21, 28
more dates to come soon!
DESCRIPTION: Beginner and Intermediate players only. Come enjoy your morning with family & friends participating in drills then scrimmages for the rest of the time. Couples encouraged to play & drill together, and minors (13+) are allowed only with parent participation. A skills evaluation will be conducted to ensure everyone is signed up for the correct level of class. Bring sunscreen, water, a snack and your A game!
WHO: This is for Adults 18+ and for children ages 13-18 that are related or friends with an adult in the class.
INSTRUCTOR: Head Andy Jaszczynski. Over 8 years of competitive beach experience. 3 years of coaching experience. Senior and player for the Men’s beach and indoor volleyball team at Westcliff University.
LOCATION/PARKING: Classes are at Brookhurst Street beach courts at Huntington State Beach. Annual Parking passes are available for purchase. Call/text 7142623977
COST: $180 for 6 weeks (First 10 players to regsister get $20 off!)